

The “X-Ray 8700 NXT“ installed at the end of a CCV line for final quality control. © Sikora

19/08/2022 – Ningbo Orient uses Sikora’s “X-Ray 8700 NXT”

Ningbo Orient uses Sikora’s “X-Ray 8700 NXT”

Quality control at the end of the CV line

Many submarine cable manufacturers, such as the Chinese company Ningbo Orient, rely on X-ray devices from Sikora for quality control in CV lines. In addition, ... By  Jörg Dambock

Setic, Pourtier, C2S and Bow Technology always showed strong commitment to support the wire and able industry. © Setic/Pourtier

27/07/2022 – Higher interest and numerous large projects to discuss

Higher interest and numerous large projects to discuss

Order for a group twinner line

After a 4 years hiatus, Setic, Pourtier, C2S and Bow Technology participated to the wire and cable world’s leading trade fair “wire” in Düsseldorf. By  Jörg Dambock

The first-ever “Borcycle” M jacketing compound “Borcycle M ME7153SY”, used in medium voltage cables similar to the one shown in the photo, contains 50% post-consumer recyclate. © Borealis

21/07/2022 – Borealis and Borouge showcased at “wire” 2022

Borealis and Borouge showcased at “wire” 2022

Sustainable wire and cable innovations

A wide range of innovative technologies and material solutions for wire and cable were highlighted at the booth of Borealis and Borouge at “wire” 2022. ... By  Jörg Dambock

Repsol will use a first-of-its-kind energy-efficient process to produce high-purity XLPE cable compounds, based on Buss’ “LSHC” process (Linear Short Hyper Clean). © Buss/Shutterstock

20/07/2022 – Repsol chooses Buss “LSHC” technology

Repsol chooses Buss “LSHC” technology

High-purity XLPE cable compounds

Buss AG has been awarded a contract for the realisation of a 27kta production plant for crosslinkable polyethylene XLPE cable compounds by Repsol. The ... By  Jörg Dambock

Planar sample of a graphene-based PVC being measured according to ASTM D4935-18. © Delta Tecnic

19/07/2022 – EMI shielding effectiveness on a wide range of frequencies

EMI shielding effectiveness on a wide range of frequencies

Graphene-based PVC

The compounding industry plays a key role in tomorrow's world, as its raw materials are supplied to strategic sectors such as cable, automotive and construction. ... By  Jörg Dambock

The “ZSK 70 Mc18” twin screw extruder that Coperion is presenting at “K 2022” has a 70mm screw diameter and is equipped with numerous features that improve handling and enable increased efficiency in compounding and recycling. © Coperion

15/07/2022 – Coperion and Coperion K-Tron at “K 2022”

Coperion and Coperion K-Tron at “K 2022”

Processing and recycling of plastics

At “K 2022” (19-26 October 2022, Dusseldorf), Coperion and Coperion K-Tron will be presenting a variety of new and ongoing developments at their booth ... By  Jörg Dambock

Customized formed filters from GKD with metal mesh and plastic injection molding. © GKD Gebr. Kufferath

30/06/2022 – Shaping change in the automotive industry with metal mesh

Shaping change in the automotive industry with metal mesh

Powerful lightweights

From driverless vehicles to electro mobility: A profound process of change is altering the automotive industry. Manufacturers and suppliers need to rethink ... By  Jörg Dambock