Research & Development


Groundbreaking interconnection technology using 200 nm nanowires to realize tomorrow’s high-performance electronics. (close-up) © Fraunhofer IZM

20/12/2024 – Nanowire contacts push the boundaries for high-performance electronics

Nanowire contacts push the boundaries for high-performance electronics

Tiny wires, maximum power

Space comes at a premium on electronic chips: Powerful electronics need more and more connections, crammed into smaller and smaller spaces. Established ... by Olga Putsykina

Lubricants based on polymers make the process of wire drawing significantly more environmentally friendly and economical. Kristin Stein © Fraunhofer IAP © Fraunhofer IAP

04/09/2024 – Auxiliary materials

Auxiliary materials

Innovative lubricants revolutionize the cold forming of metals

Metals can be processed into wires by cold forming - an extremely complex process. However, the lubricants needed for this often do not meet the requirements ... By  Jörg Dambock

“µDRAL” plant – first direct reduction plant flexibly operated with hydrogen and natural gas in an integrated mill. © Salzgitter

03/01/2024 – First direct reduction plant flexibly operated with hydrogen and natural gas

First direct reduction plant flexibly operated with hydrogen and natural gas

Converting a steel mill to climate-neutral steel production

Steel production causes significant emissions of carbon dioxide. To decarbonize steel production and its high carbon dioxide emissions, Fraunhofer researchers, ... By  Jörg Dambock

Fig. 1: The Fraunhofer IWM material model predicts the microstructure evolution during wire manufacturing. The computational variation of the process conditions allows to predict their effects on the product properties. © Fraunhofer IWM

08/11/2023 – Predicting microstructure evolution during wire manufacturing

Predicting microstructure evolution during wire manufacturing

Simulation-based microstructure prediction

The simulation of material behaviour is an important tool in process design. A model developed at Fraunhofer IWM allows predicting microstructure evolution ... By  Jörg Dambock

Automated production of wire based stent implants. © ITA

22/09/2023 – Wire processing / braiding

Wire processing / braiding

Automated production of wire based stent implants

According to WHO, cardiovascular disease and cancer will be the leading causes of death. In 2016, cardiovascular diseases accounted for 17.9 million deaths, ... Felix Merkord

Reducing manganese and iron in arc furnaces with hydrogen is one of Dr. Yan Ma’s research topics at MPIE. He will contribute with his expertise in the HalMan project. © MPIE

The European Union is now funding a collaborative research project with 7 million euros that is aiming to develop and demonstrate an integrated sustainable ... By  Jörg Dambock

Fig. 2: Typical semi-finished product geometries that were successfully produced using the friction-induced recycling process. © LUF

02/03/2023 – Research / Wire manufacturing

Research / Wire manufacturing

Sustainable wire production through recycling

The constantly growing global challenges require the responsible and economical use of available resources. One possibility to reduce the energy demand ... by Thomas Borgert and Werner Homberg