quality management


Setic “MPE 120” high precision slicing/fending-off machine for the preparation of smooth test pieces is specially designed to cut and shave off insulated and sheathed material. © Setic

26.02.21 – Material analysis of cable insulation and sheathing

Material analysis of cable insulation and sheathing

Setic “MPE 120” high precision slicing/fending-off machine

Setic's "MPE 120" high precision cutting/bending machine is specially designed for cutting and scraping insulated and sheathed material in preparation ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Cross section of an extra-high voltage cable with discharge. © Sikora

14.12.20 – Inspection and sorting of plastic pellets

Inspection and sorting of plastic pellets

Guarantee for visually and functionally perfect products

Black specks and color deviations often lead to increased scrap rates in the production of plastic injection molded parts, but also in the manufacture ... Von  Jörg Dambock

With its vast amount of testing scales, the new “Wilson RH2150” hardness tester by Buehler – ITW Test+Measurement is an appropriate solution for a large range of applications in quality control and research environments. © Buehler-ITW

02.12.20 – For metals, plastics and carbon materials

For metals, plastics and carbon materials

New hardness tester “Wilson RH2150”

The new “Wilson RH2150” represents the next generation of hardness testers by Buehler – ITW Test+Measurement GmbH, manufacturer of instruments, consumables ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Meet Sikora virtually from November 17-20, 2020 instead of at “wire” . © Sikora

21.09.20 – wire 2020 update

wire 2020 update

Meet Sikora virtually instead of at “wire”

After evaluating the possible scenarios, it is with much regret that Sikora has decided against participating in the “wire” show. Despite all, the company ... Von  Jörg Dambock

In addition to the tension, the available processor system visualizes measuring values of further Sikora gauge heads in the drawing tower. © Sikora

18.09.20 – Tension measurement faster than ever before

Tension measurement faster than ever before

Advanced stand-alone gauge head for quality control of optical fibers

Tension has an important impact on the optical fiber quality which influences the uncoated fiber. Sikora AG has developed a stand-alone gauge head with ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Hellenic Cables operates a cable factory in Thiva, Greece. Hellenic Cables has actively and continuously improved the overall performance and efficiency of their CCV lines with Maillefer. © Maillefer

17.07.20 – HV and EHV cable production

HV and EHV cable production

Synchronized X-ray Centering on a CCV Line

To help Hellenic Cables start-up faster and generate much less scrap, Maillefer put in place the dual X-ray scanner solution. Von  Jörg Dambock