Research & Development


In the MEDUSA project, a rapid charging station for heavy vehicles and passenger cars with a capacity of 3 megawatts is being developed. The development of an intelligent high-performance charging infrastructure is an essential building block for the complete electrification of heavy vehicles and buses. © AIT/GettyImages/Chesky_W, modified.

07/10/2021 – Fast charging station and suitable infrastructure

Fast charging station and suitable infrastructure

Ultrafast-fast charging for heavy vehicles

The decarbonisation of transport is an essential building block for achieving climate targets. The complete electrification of heavy vehicles and buses ... By  Jörg Dambock

Analysis of the energy path offers great potential for further developments in the area of dynamic inductive charging. © IEW

14/07/2021 – Out on the street, in the parking lot, at the traffic light

Out on the street, in the parking lot, at the traffic light

Inductive power transmission speeds up e-vehicle charging

A team of researchers from the Institute for Electrical Energy Conversion (iew) at the University of Stuttgart led by Nejila Parspour has been working ... By  Jörg Dambock

A team of physicists at the Technical University of Munich has developed a coil made of superconducting wires that can transmit power of more than five kilowatts contactless without major losses. © Christoph Utschick/Würth Elektronik eiSos

15/03/2021 – Coil with superconducting wires

Coil with superconducting wires

Contactless power transmission in the kilowatt range

A team led by Technical University of Munich (TUM) physicists Christoph Utschick and Prof. Rudolf Gross has succeeded in making a coil with superconducting ... By  Jörg Dambock

Steffen Klein (l.) and Christopher Schnur, research assistants in the group led by Andreas Schütze, are currently conducting research into the new system. © Oliver Dietze

12/11/2020 – Smart machine maintenance

Smart machine maintenance

New AI system also detects unknown faults

A new maintenance system is helping to make sensors smart. A research team led by Professor Andreas Schütze of Saarland University is combining artificial ... By  Jörg Dambock

Fig. 1: Cellular metals from wire developed at the ITM of TU Dresden. © ITM, TU Dresden, Mirko Krziwon

24/09/2020 – Weaving technology

Weaving technology

Woven cellular metals made of wires

A team of researchers at the TU Dresden has succeeded in producing three-dimensional cellular metals from wires with the help of weaving technology. The ... By  Jörg Dambock

The DC Laboratory at Fraunhofer IPA tests components for converting production plants to direct current. Electronic power converters and a stationary battery storage system at Fraunhofer IISB. © © Fraunhofer IPA/Rainer Bez

22/09/2020 – Powered by direct current

Powered by direct current

DC smart grids for production halls

Most production plants today are still powered by alternating current. In the long term, however, research teams from the Fraunhofer Institutes for Manufacturing ... By  Jörg Dambock