

The braider is equipped with integrated payoff and wind-up mechanisms for 800mm diameter reels. © Wardwell

21.04.23 – Cable production

Cable production

Rapid braider, winder and payoff

At “Interwire” Wardwell Braiding Co. will present a rapid braider, winder and payoff, on a joint booth with SKET, Henrich and Spirka. Remarkable technical ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Wardwell invites customers to see the latest version of this popular unit: the “Speedmaster 2M”. © Wardwell

14.06.22 – Cable manufacture

Cable manufacture

Braiding machine typ “Speedmaster 100”

The “Speedmaster 100” is an easily recognizable machine with a proven track record around the world. Customers have been using the original high-speed, ... Von  Jörg Dambock