

Vonroll Casting is a customer foundry operating throughout Europe with headquarters in Emmenbrücke, Switzerland. © ABP

21.06.22 – Higher availability of the plant, more occupational safety and a high degree of sustainability

Higher availability of the plant, more occupational safety and a high degree of sustainability

What is possible with Retrofit?

ABP Induction has been awarded the contract for the extensive modernization of a foundry at Vonroll Casting, a European supplier of complex, thin-walled ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Peter ter Horst, CEO of Teijin Aramid: "I am proud of our EcoVadis Gold status. It acknowledges our progressive efforts in fair and sustainable business.” © Teijin Aramid

19.04.22 – Awarded for the sixth time in a row

Awarded for the sixth time in a row

Teijin Aramid awarded “Eco Vadis Gold status” on sustainability

Eco Vadis has prolonged Teijin Aramid's Gold status in the sustainability rating. For the sixth year in a row, the independent and objective assessment ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Delta Tecnic produces colour masterbatches and additives. © Delta Tecnic

08.02.22 – Delta Tecnic consolidates its position as a technology supplier

Delta Tecnic consolidates its position as a technology supplier

Power cables on the route to zero-carbon emissions

Faced with the challenge of reducing carbon emissions and the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, Delta Tecnic is a leading technology ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Outokumpu has signed another 10-year power supply agreement for renewable wind power with Gasum. © Outokumpu

13.01.22 – Outokumpu further increases share of wind power

Outokumpu further increases share of wind power

Ambitious climate targets

Outokumpu has signed another 10-year power supply agreement for renewable wind power with Gasum. The new deal is an addition to the earlier wind power ... Von  Jörg Dambock

During the “wire” and “Tube” trade fair from 9 to 13 May 2022, trade visitors will be offered daily guided tours, so-called “ecoMetals”-trails. © Messe Düsseldorf

20.12.21 – “ecoMetals” trails through the exhibition halls

“ecoMetals” trails through the exhibition halls

So green are “wire” and “Tube” 2022

How green are the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries? How sustainably do they produce and how environmentally friendly is the handling of the materials ... Von  Jörg Dambock