
Smart control of the processes on the shopfloor. © IT Engineering

11.04.24 – C-technologies


The recipe for greater efficiency and productivity

The key to this lies in the smart wire factory with the MES Software “EMC”. Von  Jörg Dambock

The production management system pre-project team consisting of experts from Hoa Phat, Primetals Technologies, and PSI Metals. © Primetals

19.02.24 – On our own account - WIRE

On our own account - WIRE

Review of the industry - week 7/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Daniel Keienburg

The production management system pre-project team consisting of experts from Hoa Phat, Primetals Technologies, and PSI Metals. © Primetals

14.02.24 – Closes gap between enterprise resource planning (ERP), scheduling, and automation systems

Closes gap between enterprise resource planning (ERP), scheduling, and automation systems

Primetals to streamline Hoa Phat’s production management

Leading Southeast Asian steel producer Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel has recently chosen Primetals Technologies for the implementation of a manufacturing execution ... Von  Jörg Dambock

The breakthrough of e-mobility has led to a rapidly increasing requirement for high-voltage wires. © DIIT / shutterstock

29.06.22 – Automation, Standardisation, Digitalisation

Automation, Standardisation, Digitalisation

Wiring harness sector must focus on these trends

Wiring harness manufacturers are facing major challenges. The high demand for electric cars in particular is making wiring harnesses more important and ... Von  Jörg Dambock

Smart control of the processes on the shop floor. © IT Engineering Manufacturing

07.06.22 – C-technologies / MES

C-technologies / MES

Smart manufacturing – intelligent analyzing

Everyone knows, digital transformation won’t work without MES and Co. At the “wire” IT Engineering Manufacturing Solutions GmbH shows how manufacturing ... Von  Jörg Dambock


05.07.21 – Pre-assembly and final assembly in the wire processing industry

Pre-assembly and final assembly in the wire processing industry

DiIT presents „4Wire EAS”

With “4Wire EAS”, DiIT launches a new MES software (Manufacturing Execution System) for the wire processing industry. This software supports the heterogeneous ... Von  Jörg Dambock