Bow Technology


Setic “Single Twist Machine” with capstan. © Setic

04.10.21 – Rotating machines for ferrous and non-ferrous cable

Rotating machines for ferrous and non-ferrous cable

Twisting/stranding solutions to cable makers

Setic and Pourtier and their US branch Gauder Group Inc have been building knowledge, experience and ability to serve the wire and cable industry in US ... Von  Jörg Dambock

High speed Dual single twist lines with one single twist used as pay-off and one as take-up for different sizes of bobbins . © Setic

31.05.21 – wire Russia 2021

wire Russia 2021

New machines, services and bows

Setic and Pourtier specialised in designing and manufacturing high speed rotating machines for the cable industry will present during “wire Russia” 2021 ... Von  Jörg Dambock