

Tecnovo and Koner are manufacturing companies of the TKT group in the respective sectors of lubricants and drawing dies. © TKT Group

27/03/2024 – Lubricants


Lubricants and auxiliary chemicals for wire drawing

In recent years TKT group has consolidated and expanded its position on the market, and carried out important research and development programs, by investments ... By  Jörg Dambock

Traxit will present latest innovations in the field of sustainable wire lubrication. © (Traxit) shutterstock / 3rdtimeluckystudio

27/03/2024 – Traxit Wire Lubrication, a brand of Klüber Lubrication

Traxit Wire Lubrication, a brand of Klüber Lubrication

Focusing on sustainability as a central theme

Traxit Wire Lubrication would like to intensify the dialogue with customers at the trade fair and present its own solutions for a sustainable management. By  Jörg Dambock

Rotation and handling devices for coils and wire carriers. © Tramev

Tramev S.r.l. has been manufacturing support, rotation and handling devices for coils and wire carriers since 1977. By  Jörg Dambock

Wet lubricants for the ferrous, nonferrous and alloy wire and tube industries. © Richards Apex

Richards Apex, a global manufacturer of wet lubricants for the ferrous, nonferrous and alloy wire and tube industries will be displaying the latest technology. By  Jörg Dambock

The interior of the compact camera box showing the high-speed CCD line scan camera and the mirror section. © Futec

07/03/2024 – Quality management

Quality management

100% online wire and cable surface inspection system

At “wire 2024” Futec Europe will show an optoelectronic 100% online wire and cable surface inspection system using only one CCD line scan camera. By  Jörg Dambock

The new vertical spring end grinders machines of “Cerbero” family. © Kamatech

06/03/2024 – “Cerbero” family from Kamatech

“Cerbero” family from Kamatech

New vertical spring end grinding machines

Kamatech will showcase their new solution for grinding of springs during “wire”. The new family of “Cerbero” machines can grind springs up to 5mm diameter ... By  Jörg Dambock

05/03/2024 – Cutting


New flying shear “MDC60-CVL”

The “MDC60-CVL” is a new straightening and cutting machine launched in 2023. This machine is equipped with a numerically controlled flying shear which ... By  Jörg Dambock