Fig. 1: The Fraunhofer IWM material model predicts the microstructure evolution during wire manufacturing. The computational variation of the process conditions allows to predict their effects on the product properties. © Fraunhofer IWM
Fig. 1: The Fraunhofer IWM material model predicts the microstructure evolution during wire manufacturing. The computational variation of the process conditions allows to predict their effects on the product properties. © Fraunhofer IWM
Not a nocturnal comet shower, rather image areas (red) in the bainite phase found to be relevant by the model. © Fraunhofer IWM
At this stage 1,000 companies from 47 countries have already registered for wire 2022. They occupy 53,210 square metres of net exhibition space. © Messe Düsseldorf
Peter ter Horst, CEO of Teijin Aramid: "I am proud of our EcoVadis Gold status. It acknowledges our progressive efforts in fair and sustainable business.” © Teijin Aramid