

(l-r) Steve Gencarella, Michelle Nichols and David DiNuccio will be representing AWI at „Spring World“. © Alloy Wire International

17.10.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 41/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

The decision is an important step towards establishing a complete battery value chain in Norway for the European market. © Vianode

10.10.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 40/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

Luma Metall supplies wires, that are known to be 20 times thinner than a strand of human hair. © Luma Metall

04.10.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 39/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Reports“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

Subsequent bending process. © Wafios

26.09.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 38/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Reports“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

Alloy Wire International (AWI) has seen orders soar to nearly a third of its predicted £13m annual turnover. © Alloy Wire International

19.09.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 37/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

“wire China” 2022 will now be held at Nanjing International Expo Center on 8th to 11th November 2022. © Nanjing Int. Expo Center

12.09.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 36/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. Von  Daniel Keienburg

Maillefer has previously introduced their novel solution for online control of core layer eccentricity known as synchronized “X-Ray” at Fulgor. © Maillefer

05.09.22 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 35/2022 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Products“. Von  Daniel Keienburg