wire diameter


Offline wire diameter and ovality measurement solutions: the “LDS” device and its “WSR” wire sample rotation accessory. © Cersa-MCI

28.01.25 – Quality management

Quality management

Offline wire diameter and ovality measurement solutions

Cersa-MCI will be present at “wire Mexico” to showcase its measuring instruments, particularly its range of surface analysis equipment, which has achieved ... Von  Jörg Dambock

RP420-WF (TR4/W20) : With the new WF line, Sacma Group, completes perfectly its whole range of machines. © Sacma

02.04.21 – Right equipment for each demand

Right equipment for each demand

Sacma Group: WF headers product line

Sacma Group, already leader in the market of headers for special materials, completes its range of machines with the new "WF line" and is now able to ... Von  Jörg Dambock