05/09/2024 – wire China 2024

Focused attention towards specialized machines

Flymca continues increasing the number of projects and thus maintains the worldwide leadership in the market of rotating machines involved in the submarine cables production industry, specifically rigid type machines, tubular stranders with bullhead and planetary armouring lines.


Stranders prepared to produce from pay-off bobbins with a flange diameter of 630mm and 800mm with up to 169 wires and up to 4000sqmm in copper. © Flymca


In the last few years, the company has been focusing on improving specialized machinery designed for large-scale stranding, cabling, screening and armouring purposes, with an emphasis on producing submarine, offshore as well as umbilical cables.

Armouring lines are being realized in two different configurations:
– Large tubular stranders for multiple number of wires with bullhead prepared for the FO core paying off that avoids any torsion on the FO element or tube.
– Large planetary armouring lines for heavy power transmission cables produced on huge and heavy-duty machines with a high number of wires based on single, double or even triple wires layer design. Stranding cages are prepared for multiple number of bobbins, for instance, up to 120 units per cage.

Additionally, these machines incorporate automatic bobbin’s loading systems to minimize the time that the machine is stopped, increasing the OEE, this way minimizes the possibility of accidents when manipulating the bobbins as on standard loading crane systems.

Stranding and screening equipment for those types of cables use the rigid type machines. Stranders prepared to produce from pay-off bobbins with a flange diameter of 630mm and 800mm with up to 169 wires and up to 4000sqmm in copper. These stranding machines are equipped with automatic bobbins loading systems, specially designed wire stranding heads prepared either for round and trapezoidal wire sections, substantial compaction systems and devices for applying water-blocking by yarns and powder.

During the last years, Flymca equipment have incorporated key features in its machinery. These new technical solutions have led to reduce downtime and change-over periods looking for the OEE improvement, as well as to decrease reliance on operator intervention to improve safety and human failures/accidents. These changes include the integration of accumulators for continuous operation, helps through loaders as automatic systems and automated cutting and taping mechanisms of cable tails.

Flymca has focused its attention towards these specialized machines, while also maintaining production of traditional equipment for aerial cable, railway, communication, and other conventional markets, such as steel wires ropes. The company is optimistic about future market prospects and is committed to expanding both its facilities and personnel to support this important growth. In fact, they are building their new working plant, adding 3.100m2 to their facilities which will be ready in following weeks, in order to attend the high demand and be ready for following years.

Flymca is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. After a first celebration at “wire” in Düsseldorf/Germany, the company was also present at the Uncasville fair, Connecticut, USA, were they introduced Niehoff Endex North America Inc as their new representative for the North American market. The company will also be at the “wire China” fair in Shanghai, from September 25 to 28th 2024.

wire China 2024, booth E1 E15

Flymca, S.L.
Fluidos y Mecanicas Cantabria
Poligono Industrial de Morero Parcela P. 1-23
39611 Guarnizo, Cantabria/Spain
Tel.: +34 942 559855