Jörg Dambock


New Topography scanner. © Maillefer

29/08/2023 – Maillefer at “wire Southeast Asia 2023”

Maillefer at “wire Southeast Asia 2023”

Sustainable manufacturing and digitalization

The “wire Southeast Asia” show calendar is back on track with the upcoming September 20-22, 2023 edition. Maillefer returns to Bangkok to showcase progress ... By  Jörg Dambock

Wafios-Board Dr.-Ing. Uwe-Peter Weigmann (l.) and Martin Holder. © Wafios

28/08/2023 – Wafios at “wire Southeast Asia 2023”

Wafios at “wire Southeast Asia 2023”

New international exhibition formats for growth markets

For Wafios, expanding their global presence at trade fairs is one of the key factors in establishing dialogue with customers and presenting new technologies. By  Jörg Dambock

MS 20. © Strecker

28/08/2023 – August Strecker at “wire Southeast Asia 2023“

August Strecker at “wire Southeast Asia 2023“

Buttwelding equipment for the wire and cable industry

Since 1933 August Strecker GmbH+Co. KG produces high quality buttwelding equipment for the wire and cable industry, serving both the ferrous as well as ... By  Jörg Dambock

One step group twinner for LAN cable up to cat 7/7a…8. © Setic

28/08/2023 – Setic and Pourtier at “wire Middle East Africa 2023”

Setic and Pourtier at “wire Middle East Africa 2023”

Supplier for the cable industry

For the first time, the “wire Middle East Africa” will take place as a special area within the “Metal+Steel Egypt” in Cairo, from 2 to 4 September 2023. By  Jörg Dambock

We wish you an enjoyable read! © Meisenbach

25/08/2023 – WIRE 3/2023 August

WIRE 3/2023 August

The new issue is available now!

Where will my market be in the future? It is a question that countless businesses in the spring, wire and cable industry are currently asking. By  Jörg Dambock

Marco Asquini and Shri Saumya Tokdar showing solidarity in their decarbonisation objectives at the MoU signing ceremony held in Ranchi. © SMS Group

18/08/2023 – SMS and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) join forces

SMS and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) join forces

Decarbonise steel production in India

SMS Group and SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited), a Maharatna PSU, have drawn up a memorandum of understanding to work together on sustainable steel ... By  Jörg Dambock

With 210 exhibitors on a total area of 8,000 square metres, the premiere of “wire and Tube Eurasia” came to a successful end. © VDKM

17/08/2023 – wire and Tube Eurasia celebrate successful first event

wire and Tube Eurasia celebrate successful first event

Great premiere in Istanbul

With 210 exhibitors on a total area of 8,000 square metres, the premiere of the joint trade fair appearance of “Wire Tech Istanbul”, “Tube+Steel Istanbul” ... By  Jörg Dambock