01/05/2021 – Greetings / 70 years WIRE (1951-2021)

Performance by conviction

Now already 70 years of the trade journal WIRE – truly, it is not the best time at present to celebrate such an impressive achievement in a fitting manner. Virtually, however, we are happy to raise a noble drink to toast and honour this occasion.


Markus Giese, Chairman Netzwerkdraht e.V. © Netzwerkdraht


© Netzwerkdraht


Times change, communication changes, but still the WIRE provides written proof of the vitality of an exciting industry. Megatopics such as Industry 4.0, digitalisation and environmental issues are adressed and solutions and "best practice" examples illustrate and prove the change in the industry. In this respect, reading the magazine is always an encouragement that shows that the industry still has a right to exist. Every industry needs such a mouthpiece to neutrally convey to interested third parties that innovations exist and are being successfully implemented. The competent editorial staff of the trade journal succeeds impressively in doing this six times a year on 50 pages. The reports are just as worth reading for the businessman as for the technician. The spectrum ranges from the machine to the material to the quality. Innovations are described in an understandable way, reports on successful projects stimulate the mind. Indeed, one feels well informed all around about the so-called "state of the art".

In a way, Netzwerkdraht e.V. follows a similar approach. The intention is above all to “network” the South Westphalian companies in the wire industry along the value chain in order to offer the companies added value and to increase competitiveness. Therefore, the members of Netzwerkdraht e.V. are pleased that this medium offers us the opportunity to inform about current developments of the association.

Change remains our constant companion. Against the backdrop of the pandemic that is currently taking place, it is evident that trends are accelerating significantly and changing many areas of life and work in a sustainable way. It is therefore an additional task to point out and classify these changes for the sector. Thus, the motto continues to apply: We grow with our challenges and age does not matter. We have to work hard for success every day. In this respect, we see the editorial team as being very well positioned and networked, and in this respect we can already start thinking about how to write this greeting message in five years' time. Today we congratulate our association member Meisenbach GmbH Verlag and the WIRE team on this anniversary and wish them all the best and much success for the future.

Markus Giese
Chairman Netzwerkdraht e.V.

Netzwerkdraht e.V.
Eibenstrasse 18, 58640 Iserlohn/Germany
Tel.: +49 2371 46886