Daniel Keienburg


Harry Prunk verabschiedet sich nach über 45 Jahren aus dem Sikora-Vorstand. © Sikora

19/04/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 15/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. By  Daniel Keienburg

A team of physicists at the Technical University of Munich has developed a coil made of superconducting wires that can transmit power of more than five kilowatts contactless without major losses. © Christoph Utschick/Würth Elektronik eiSos

12/04/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 14/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Research & Development“. By  Daniel Keienburg


06/04/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 13/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Reports“. By  Daniel Keienburg

A team of physicists at the Technical University of Munich has developed a coil made of superconducting wires that can transmit power of more than five kilowatts contactless without major losses. © Christoph Utschick/Würth Elektronik eiSos

22/03/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 11/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Research + Development“. By  Daniel Keienburg

The focus of the presentation by Gerard Pera, Product Manager Fibre Optic Data Cables of BU MMS, is the topic “Fibre optic cable miniaturisation in high-speed networks”. © Prysmian Group

15/03/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 10/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Business“. By  Daniel Keienburg

The plant consists of two continuous shot blasting modules with independent abrasive circulation systems. © Pangborn

08/03/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 09/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Reports“. By  Daniel Keienburg

Trace objects must be selected and equipped with traceability technologies. © DIIT

01/03/2021 – On our own behalf - Wire

On our own behalf - Wire

Week 08/2021 in retrospect

Here, we present you the top articles from our four categories. This week, the most read one comes from the category „Reports“. By  Daniel Keienburg